
1874-1883. USA – South America

A reputation without limits “He handed out newspapers to their parents, some less recent and some more newly released. There

UK flag

1871/ 1902. Arriving in the UK

Coutalianos in the kingdom of the Great Victoria “We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not

Colossus of Rhodes

1898. In the prisons of Rhodes.

Coutalianos was arrested by the Ottoman authorities. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche While Coutalianos

Painting, Broken Column, Parthenon, 1869; Lockwood de Forest; Brush and oil paint, graphite on paperboard; Courtesy Associated Artists, LLC

1903. Arriving in Athens after a tour

The postponement of a long-awaited match “Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy.“ N. Machiavelli After Coutalianos toured various Greek

Οld postcard depicting the harbor of the city of Volos.

1884. Arrival in Volos

Pervasive excitement and immense curiosity “Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.“ Margaret Hilda Thatcher

1874-1883. USA – South America

A reputation without limits “He handed out newspapers to their parents, some less recent and some more newly released. There

UK flag

1871/ 1902. Arriving in the UK

Coutalianos in the kingdom of the Great Victoria “We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not

Colossus of Rhodes

1898. In the prisons of Rhodes.

Coutalianos was arrested by the Ottoman authorities. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche While Coutalianos

Painting, Broken Column, Parthenon, 1869; Lockwood de Forest; Brush and oil paint, graphite on paperboard; Courtesy Associated Artists, LLC

1903. Arriving in Athens after a tour

The postponement of a long-awaited match “Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy.“ N. Machiavelli After Coutalianos toured various Greek

Οld postcard depicting the harbor of the city of Volos.

1884. Arrival in Volos

Pervasive excitement and immense curiosity “Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.“ Margaret Hilda Thatcher