View of San Francisco

1874-1883. USA – South America

A reputation without limits

“He handed out newspapers to their parents, some less recent and some more newly released. There is perhaps no better gift for people living in the wilderness. Newspapers were a very important part of our equipment, sometimes even the only interchangeable item.”

A winter walk in the Concord & Merrimack Rivers, Journal (1849) , Henry D. Thoreau

In this chapter, the publications that follow refer to the children of P. Coutalianos. As far as we are able to know, Panagis had many children. Around 1872 he married in Argentina a girl originally from Genoa, Italy. His wife’s name was Palmyra. With her he had five sons and one daughter, but there is a possibilitiy that he had also other children who died in the meantime, as happened very often in those times. Unfortunately, until now we have not been able to ascertain the name of his daugter. On the other hand the names of his sons are as follows: a) George b) Ellin or Hellen (means Greek) c) Francisco d) Antonio and e) John. John who was the youngest son, died at a very young age. He was still a minor when his father was imprisoned in Rhodes. The family could not bear the hardships and the little boy died of hunger and disease somewhere in Piraeus. His other four sons managed to survive and even become highly skilled athletes. In fact, all four seem to have made careers in America as wrestlers.

October 24, 1876
May 27, 1876. The comment ends with the question: Where is Bauer?
Coutalianos looks for opponents, but they all hide like mice.

(Αbove pics) 7th str. It is one of the locations where Coutalianos had set up his circus tent while he was in California. At this point the receipts were not satisfactory, so the athlete moved his troupe to another street, namely Montgomery street. There the number of spectators was much higher and Coutalianos’ performances became a point of reference.

July 11, 1876 Baltimore sun
August 28, 1876 Ethnofilax (Εθνοφύλαξ)
Daily Alta California, 21-10-1876.
July 7, 1876 Indiana progress/ August 10, 1876 Lebanon daily news/ July 28, 1876 Bloomington Weekly Leader
August 20, 1876 San Antonio Express/ August 24, 1876 Centralia Sentinel/ August 24, 1876 Pueblo Colorado weekly chieftain/ July 28, 1876 Reno Evening Gazette
May 27, 1876 Sacramento Daily Union
August 27, 1876 Εφημερίς/ August 26, 1876 Αλήθεια
Old embroidery (probably early 20th century) on which Coutalianos is shown fighting a bull. The figure is inspired on the pattern of the poster that was released. The embroidery was auctioned by Vergos Auctions.

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(Above) Two drawings by the (naive) painter Evgenios Spatharis on the subject of Coutalianos.

1876. Coutalianos is in San Francisco. He fights and performs shows of strength in the Palace Amphitheater. Above we present an article with historical content related to this particular circus and an advertising post. This circus was located at the intersection of New Montgomery Avenue and Mission Street ( source: )

View of Vinicunca mountain range.
View of lake Titicaca with Llama features in foreground.

Biographical sources state that Coutalianos, leaving the city of Arequipa, passed through the colorful Vinicunca mountain range and reached the shores of lake Titicaca

April 23, 1877
Biographical review of the famous wrestler Cristol who had faced Coutalianos during the period when the latter was touring the USA.
Engravings depicting Coutalianos killing the bull in the great arena of Lima, the capital of Peru. In the image on the right the phrase “ THE ORIGINAL TERRIBLE GREEK” is added to the caption.
The courtyard of the old monastery   “Iglesia y Convento de la Conception”. There Coutalianos gave his performances when he was in Panama.  On the right, we see a satellite photo of the specific area.
Interior view, showing the entrance of “Courtney & Sanford’s grat amphitheatre”, Willow street, Lima, Peru. Coutalianos also happened to work with the troupe leaders of this theater.
The Metropolitan Theater of Santiago in Chile (engraving from 1872). In this theater, Coutalianos performed when he was in that city. In the photo on the right we see how it is today after the reconstruction work.
The city of Mazatlan, Mexico. Coutalianos also passed through this place during his wanderings in Latin America.
“Iglesia (Church) de la compania de Jesus”. We have reasonable suspicions that this is the church where Coutalianos captured the wrestler Pindo when he lost his mind after his defeat. The church has a large parapet and balconies on the bell towers, which coincide with the descriptions given by the athlete himself in the newspaper “Aristophanes” about the specific incident.
Photo of the first Greeks who immigrated to Peru. The members of this community had admired Coutalianos up close and were very proud of him.

Article proving that famous US champions participated in fixed wrestling matches. Coutalianos in his biography confirms that several times they approached him to suggest that he participate in fixed matches but he did not accept. This fact made his opponents “hide like mice” when they heard the name “Coutalianos”, precisely because they knew well that this man was unbeatable.
(Above: Engraving showing landscape of Rio de Janeiro). Coutalianos found himself in Brazil in 1882. He had already toured all over Latin America accomplishing great feats and triumphs. He was already known as the strongest man in the world or as many called him “New Hercules”. The following are Brazilian newspaper reports praising the indomitable Greek wrestler at the time he was in Rio de Janeiro. (For the compilation of the publications that follow, we are very grateful to the Brazilian researcher Andrey Altoé)
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “O Fluminense”. October 8,1882.
European Company. Cerino & Aymar. Sunday 8th of this current year. Great news. The haunting of the 19th century. Man’s debut. Strongest in the world. The invincible Greek Hercules Antonio Panay. And his son of the same name, calling the serpent, is a true phenomenon in his exercises. The man. Of the two cannons. the incomparable. of human strength. In these two functions he will perform all that is most extraordinary in terms of strength and agility. The true. Iron Man. usual prices and hours.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Gazeta de Noticias”. September 10,1882/ October 21, 1882.
Dramatic undertaking. Today. Sunday 10th September. Wonderful Nights! 4th representation of the most popular and famous of all magic, in 4 acts, 8, paintings, with 32 numbers of music, ballets, transformations, visualities, plots, marches and a splendid apotheosis: Enchanted Rome. Takes part in the performance of the entire company. Scenarios, costumes, props and machinery, everything was new and splendid. Tickets at the theater. Wednesday 13th – Show for the debut of the famous Greek Hercules Antonio Panay and his son 2nd Hercules whose works cause true amazement.
Polytheama fluminense. Old circus. 94 Rua do Lavradio 94. Today. Saturday October 21st. Extraordinary function. This is from Mr. Palmiro Bragazzi. and from his family in union with the famous iron man, Mr. Antonio Panay and his family. Prices- Boxes with 5 entrance fee 8$, chairs 2$, entrance fee 1$. Notice – Messrs. Bragazzi and Panay apologize to the respectable public for not having given a function last Saturday and Sunday: it was the manager’s fault for not fulfilling his obligations, with all these artists counting on protection and benevolence.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Gazeta da Tarde”. September 11, 1882.
Tangoes and gambiarras. This weapon yesterday at Recreio Dramatico, the Greek Hercule Antonio Panay and his son, the Serpent boy. Both artists performed admirably in both cases, provoking the most enthusiastic and spontaneous applause from the audience. Mr. Panay, at the time of firing the two cannons, was the victim of a disaster that could have brought regrettable consequences. One of his assistants, thoughtlessly, put fire in the ear of one of the pieces and he communicated to the little octopus he had in one of his hands, resulting in an explosion and Mr. Panay was left with his left arm badly burned. The show was enhanced by some artists from “Recreio” who performed the comedies: “Amor pro amnesias“. “Uncle Toquarto” is a comic scene by the actor “Vasques“.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Jornal do Commercio”. September 15, 1882
Drama recreation theater. Dramatic undertaking. Extraordinary news! Today. Friday September 15th Hercules Greco. The iron man Antonio Panay and the snake boy Andonio Panay (second) Artists in their genre without rivals around the world. One cannot forget the enormous success that these ntoavela artists achieved in their first show. In strength work, an artist like Antonio Panay has never been seen in Rio de Janeiro, just as when traveling, the prodigious boy Panay is the first to appear. The delay of these aristocratic notables in this court will be very short, as they will head to Europe in a few brave days. The iron rods weighing 200 pounds each, the Roman bullets weighing 80 kilos, the inch-thick iron bars, the iron planks, the large cannons, everything with which the famous Greek Hercule works, will be on display. So that it can be examined by any spectator. Show program. It began with the witty comedy in one act, by “Arthur Axevedo”. “Love for amnesia” played by the artists “Peregrino” or “H. Cavalier“. 2nd Part. Great test of strength and agility by A.PANAY, with a beautiful Roman woman weighing 90 kilos. Hercules will lift 1,200 pounds of iron, as follows: 400 on his chest, 400 on his back, and two planks in the shape of shoes that weigh 75 pounds each, and another bar on his neck. So he marched to the beat of the music. 4th Part. By actor “Flacio”, the magnificent comic scene, original by the celebrated Brazilian actor “Francisco Correa Vasques”. Mr. Unserious Sundays. 5th Part. The small elastic Antonio Panay (2nd) works with four iron boards at arm’s length. Then he will do the big double. 6th Part. The two cannons, one weighing 500 kilos and the other unloading one of the cannons over his shoulder. The show ended with comedy in 1 act. Uncle Torquato for the artists Flavio, Peregrino or Helena Cavalier. Usual prices and hours. Hercules Greco offers $1,000,000 to whoever beats him in both gallows and wrestling.
– Tomorrow Saturday 16: The great magic of ROME ENCANTADA, Sunday 17, at 4 1/2 o’clock in the afternoon: First and only show in which HERCULES GRECO AND HIS SON works with the competition of the company of this theater. Coming soon: OS BOTOCUDOS, a comedy in 3 acts, by Dr. Moreira Sampalo, and GASPAR, THE CACETE, a family tour in 3 acts, by Eduardo Garrido. Then A DRAMA AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, a great spectacle, in 5 acts, arranged by Eduardo Garrido, in which the distinguished and celebrated actor DIAS BRAGA made his debut. The accessories for this piece, which will be staged by Eduardo Garrido, will be shipped expressly from Paris, where it was a great success.
Τhe logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Gazeta de Noticias”. September 5, 1882.
In this court is the Greek Hercules Antonio Panay, a prodigy of strength, who we are told is capable of defeating all the Bataglias there are to be and a few more that appear. It is not yet known in which theater he will present his works.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Jornal do Commercio”. October 21, 1882.
Portuguese: Palmiro Βragazzi e Antonio Panay e suas familias. Aviso- Os Srs. Braggazzi e Panay pedem desculpa ao respeitavel publico por não ter dado funçao no sabado e domingo passado: a culpa foi do empresário não ter cumprido com as obligacões e, com tudo, estes atletas contam desde já com a protecao e a benevolência do publico fluminense para assistir a estas duas funçoes extraordinárias, pelo quais desde ja agradecemos.
Εnglish: Palmiro Βragazzi and Antonio Panay and their families. Notice – Messrs. Braggazzi and Panay apologize to the respectable public for not having performed last Saturday and Sunday: it was the businessman’s fault for not complying with his obligations and, after all, these athletes already count on the protection and benevolence of the public of Rio de Janeiro to attend these two extraordinary functions, for which we thank you in advance.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Gazeta da Tarde”. November 4, 1882.
Campo De S. Christovao. Large equestrian circus, athletic gymnastics. Today. Saturday 4th November. Great EVARIADISSM spectacle. Works. New and Dazzling. Farewell to Homes-Hercules. which leaves non-transferably for Pernambuco on Tuesday the 7th of this year. Clothing Adornments Everything new, luxurious and in keeping with the season. The following artists take part in this great function: Αntonio Panay, Palmiro Bragazzi, Henrique Alberto, Vianna, Guilherme, Cesario, Moraes, DD. Candida Bragazzi, Miss Helena, Josephina Cecy, boy Panay the great mover and the two famous amateurs from the circus on Rua da Aurora, who volunteer to work this night in farewell to Mr. Panay. At the usual times and prices. Tomorrow 5. – Great function, new and surprising work.
The actor Palmiro Bragazzi (left) (1844-1917), participated in the performances of Coutalianos.
The Campo De Sao Christovao area as seen from an old aerial photograph. The legendary Coutalianos gave some of his performances there.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Correio Paulistano”. August 28, 1882.
Theatro Gymansio. The assemblies of the 19th century have already arrived. The iron man. The graceful Hercules. Anthony Panay. And the snake boy. Antonio Panay (second). Today. Monday Program. 1st Part. 1st Big overture by the band. 2a Excellent exercises with a 200-pound iron palqueque, throwing it from one hand to the other, by the Iron Man. 3a Difficult evidence for the boy Panay, of dislocation never seen before. 4a. Great execution with the palanquees, one weighing 400 pounds and the other weighing 200, held one with the arms raised and the other with the teeth, by IRON MAN. 15 minute break. 2nd part. 5a. Repetition of Mr. Panay: bending the iron bar, delivering powerful blows to the right arm.6a The boy without bones and his admirable proofs of displacement, a work never seen in this city. 7a Great exercises with four iron planks at arm’s length. the famous gallows of Hercules Panay. 15 minute break. 3rd Part. 8a The great double, by the boy 2a Hercules. 9a The function concluded with the cannon shot, loaded with a pound of gunpowder, executed by Antonio Panay. Precos de entrada e localidades. Camarotes de 1a e 2a ordem..10.000$ Cadeiras..2.000$ Geraes..1.000. Galerias..1.000$. NOTE.- As it may happen by chance that there is someone affected who has greater strength, a 500 pesos prize is offered to the one who beats him, both in strength and in wrestling. The person who wishes to enter the fight must present himself three days in advance to sign a document and announce himself to the respectable public.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Jornal do Commercio”. September 13, 1882.
Portuguese: 1a Parte: Começará o espetaculo pela muito espirituosa comedia em 1 ato, do distinto escritor Arthur Azevedo, “Amor por anmesias” desempenhada pelos artistas Pergrino e Helena Cavalier. 2a Parte: Em seguida se apresentar “o Homem de ferro” fazendo grandes provas de força e agilidade com uma bala romana do peso de 80 kilos.-3a Parte: O menino Hercules, 2a Panay, fará prodigiosas provas de deslocaçao e de forca herculea nunca vista, em meninos de sua idade- 4a Parte: Pelo ator Flavio, a magnifica cena original do distintíssimo ator Brazileiro Francisco Correa Vasques, o sr. Domingo.-5a parte: os dois canhões, pesando um 500 kilos e outro 400. Grande prova de força pelo Hercules Grego, descarregando um dos canhoes sobre o homem. Terminará o espetaculo com a interessante comedia em 1 ato, o tio Terquate, desempenhada pelos artistas Flavio, Peregrino e Helena Havalier. NOTA.- Como pode acontecer ,per causalidade, que haja alguem que julgue fer mais forca que o Hercules Grego, oferece UM CONTO DE RÉIS a quem o venca , tanto em força como em luta romana. Precos e horas do costume. Sabado, 16 do corrente, a grande magica – Roma Encantada.
Εnglish: 1st Part: The show will begin with the very witty comedy in 1 act, by the distinguished writer Arthur Azevedo, “Amor por anmesias” performed by the artists Peregrino and Helena Cavalier. 2nd Part: Then “the Iron Man” will appear, doing great tests of strength and agility with a Roman bullet weighing 80 kilos.-3rd Part: The boy Hercules, 2nd Panay, will do prodigious tests of movement and herculean strength never seen, in boys his age – 4th Part: By the actor Flavio, the magnificent original scene by the very distinguished Brazilian actor Francisco Correa Vasques, Mr. Sunday.-5th part: the two cannons, weighing one 500 kilos and the other 400. Great test of strength by Hercules Grego, unloading one of the cannons on the man. The show will end with the interesting one-act comedy, Uncle Terquate, performed by artists Flavio, Peregrino and Helena Havalier. NOTE.- As it may happen, causally, that there is someone who believes he is stronger than the Greek Hercules, he offers A TALE OF KINGS to whoever beats him, both in strength and in wrestling. Usual prices and hours. Saturday, 16th of this year, the great magic – Rome Enchanted.
The famous Brazilian actor Arthur Azevedo, as mentioned in the article, was one of the actors who appeared during Coutaliano’s performances.
Τhe Brazilian actor Francisco Correa Vasques. Another famous actor who appeared in the performances given by Coutalianos in Brazil.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Correiro Paulistano”. August 29, 1882.
A Greek Hercules. To Mr. Antonio Panay, who exhibited his athletic works the day before yesterday for the first time, before the São Paulo public, at the Gymnasio theater, no name could better fit than the one that serves as epigraph to this news. In fact, the Greek Hercules will rarely find a rival who can shadow him in the work he performs with extreme perfection and ease. A man of tall stature, with extraordinary muscular development, he also joins Mr. Panay, to these qualities, a strength that can be qualified without exaggeration, keeping the proportions of truly Herculean. Thus, it seems incredible that he can do a prolonged series of exercises with an iron bar weighing 200 pounds and which he throws, like a feather, from one hand to the other. The test to which Hercules subjects his phenomenal physical construction is no less admirable, when, after wearing iron shoes, carrying pendants around his neck and mouth weighing a large number of pounds, he still holds, in his raised arms, the aforementioned iron bar, in addition to two men standing on their shoulders. Thus loaded with power to surpass the simple imagination we have of human strength, Hercules walks from one side to the other on the stage, without showing excessive strength. Helping Hercules in his work is a boy, Antonio Panay Il, who was greatly applauded for the surprising exercises he carried out on the move. Those who enjoy this type of spectacle, and those who see it will be difficult to fail to appreciate Hercules Greco’s performance, we recommend the ones he intends to put on in the capital.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Carbonario”. September 18, 1882.
Theaters. The Greek Hercules Antonio Panay and his son, the snake boy, premiered on Wednesday at the Recreio Dramatico theater. They were warmly applauded for the strength exercises they performed admirably, demonstrating aptitude and great muscular development. Unfortunately, we have to record a small disaster due to the ineptitude of one of his assistants, who thoughtlessly, when fire reached the ear of one of the pieces, he communicated to the little octopus he had in one of his hands, resulting in an explosion and leaving the same Mr. Panay with his left arm burned. Comedies were performed by some artists from that theater: “Amor por amnesias” , The trio Torquato and a comic scene by the actor Vasques. The comedy by Dr. Moreira Sampaio (Full name: Francisco Moreira Sampaio, Pseudonym(s): Morsau, Sapolio, Sp. Birth: 1851 – Salvador, BA, Decease: 1901. Description: Doctor, imperial official, poet, journalist and playwright ), Os Doctocudos, is currently being tested. In the most theaters.- Repetitions.
The logo of the Brazilian newspaper “Correio Paulistano”. August 31, 1882.

The following article is signed by the distinguished Brazilian journalist EZEQUIEL FREIRE.

O Hercules Panay O sr. Antonio Panay dá hoje o seu segundo espetáculo. D’entre os varios Hercules o Sansões que andam a correr o mundo, mostrando a extraordinaria força de seus musculos, é talvez o sr. Panay o que mais merece esse titulo. É incrivel que possa haver homem de maior força muscular, e que a mostre em mais extraordinarios exercicios. Chamamos a attenção dos nossos leitores para o programma dos trabalhos que o sr. Panay fará hoje no theatro Gymnasio, e que foi distribuido.

O Hercules Panay Se o leitor viu por acaso nestes oitos dias passados ou se vir por estes cinco dias futuros, passeando nas ruas da capital, um homem membrudo, de pescoço tourino, de mãos enormes, cabeça pequena, olhos vivos, de phisionomia calma e bonanchona, tire o seu chapéo e saúde um dos mais genuinos representantes da força muscular humana. E mais, se quizer palestrar um pouco com um causeur jovial, que tem, como o Judeu Errante da legenda, percorrido uma grande parte do mundo, approxime-se, pergunte as Hercules como vae o seu pecurrucho Panay II e elle vos dirá:-muito bem; tem 7 annos incompletos e suspende com um só pulso o peso de 25 libras. Digno filho de tal pae!- Este, como os heroes antigos, maneja cors uma só mão uma enorme clava de ferro, que qualquer homem forte teria difficuldade em suspender com as duas; carrega sobre o hombro um canhão de 500 libras, sustentando debaixo do braço ao mesmo tempo um outro canhão de peso pouco inferior.Creio que se lhe fosse apprazivel mataria um cavallo, apertando-o entre as pernas, como o heróe da legenda, ou suspendelo hia do chão, segurando-se com uma das mãos a alguma argola pendente de qualquer aboboda, como Carlos XII da Suecia. Maior façanha conhecemos do moderno hercules que hoje está em S. Paulo. No Chile, este homem, de uma coragem incrivel, estrangulou um tigre pintado, em pleno espectaculo publico. Estava a féra em completa liberdade: Antonio Panay aparou-lhe o bote, segurou-a pela garganta com uma das mãos, estrangulando-a, emquanto a outra arrebentava-lhe o craneo a punhadas. O tigre morreu; mas, ao espirar, tinha entre os dentes e entre as garras, como attestados da furiosa luta em que succumbira, grandes pedaços da rija musculatura de Antonio Panay. Vem-se-lhe ainda hoje as fundas cicatrizes, no peito e no braço esquerdo. Quando se lhe pergunta porque não repete agora à façanha, o hercules responde com a sua grossa voz pausada e mansa:- Es que hey tengo mujer y hijos que vivem di mi trabajo o los quiero mucho. E’ facto psychico-physiologico, geralmente dotados de sentimentos brandos. A força e a bondade parecem perfeitamente equilibrados na organisação de Antonio Panay. Ao ver o gigante festejar as creanças, como um papá festeja um filho, tornar meiga a sua grossa voz para dizer-lhes phrases carinhosas, lembro-mo destes bellos versos de Guerra Junqueiro: * O molosso fiel de antigas eras,O nobre amigo da familia humana,Que estrangulava os tigres e as pantheras. Era um collosso de bondade indiana…tinha garras quo eram lanças. E todo se arqueava humildemente. Sob a mão pequenina das creanças. Antonio Panay é muito religioso; na con- sversação praz-se em fallar de Deus e da familia. Para quem o ouve é curioso o contrasto entre aquella poderosa força e os sentimentos ternos daquelle coração. Vendo-o, isolado, aqui, hospedo solitário no grande imperio hospitaleiro, sem um amigo, tive pena do collosso, e como lhe mostrasse sympathia: é o primeiro amigo que Deus me depara no Brazil disse, recordando as relações que deixara nos muitos paizes que tom percorrido, e ultimamento no Chile, onde os azares da guerra fizeram-lhe perder toda a pequena fortuna que havia ganho na sua peregrinação de 14 annos pelo mundo. Autonio Panay é de Athenas, da antiga patria do pensamonto humano; e, como o heroe grego vencido do Troya, anda a perigrinar, longe da sua. Ithaca, em procura da Peneloppe fugitiva, a sua pequena fortuna arrebatada pelos montoneros.


We translate the main points of the above text into English

 “I believe that if it pleased him he would kill a horse, holding it between his legs, like the hero of the legend, or suspending it from the ground, holding on with one hand to some ring hanging from some vault, like Charles XII of Sweden. The greatest feat we know of the modern Hercules that is now in S. Paulo. In Chile, this man, with incredible courage, strangled a spotted tiger, in the middle of a public spectacle. The beast was in complete freedom: Antonio Panay stopped her, held her by the throat with one hand, strangling her, while the other clobber his skull (broke her head) with his fists. The tiger died; but, when he breathed out, he had between his teeth and claws, as evidence of the furious fight in which he had succumbed, large pieces of Antonio Panay’s tough muscles. He still has deep scars on his chest and left arm.” EZEQUIEL FREIRE

“O Hercules Panay
O sr. Antonio Panay dá hoje o seu segundo espetáculo. D’entre os varios Hercules o Sansões que andam a correr o mundo, mostrando a extraordinaria força de seus musculos, é talvez o sr. Panay o que mais merece esse titulo. É incrivel que possa haver homem de maior força muscular, e que a mostre em mais extraordinarios exercicios.

Chamamos a attenção dos nossos leitores para o programma dos trabalhos que o sr. Panay fará hoje no theatro Gymnasio, e que foi distribuido.”
At the Recreio Dramatico theater, the Greek Hercules Antonio Panay will be presented to the public the day before yesterday, showing off his strength skills. With how small the competition was, perhaps due to the night, which was lightening the rain, the artist did not fail to reveal himself to the spectators, as the most powerful of all we have seen in this age. It seems incredible that nature, without its whims, endows a human being with so much strength as that man, who is rightly called Hercules, demonstrated. He suspended enormous weights, and to finish, he threw two pieces that he held under his arms, one weighing 400 and the other weighing 500 kilos. First of all, an incident occurred, which could lead to serious consequences. On the occasion when one of the artist’s assistants caught fire in one of the pieces’ ears, he communicated with the fireball he had in his hand, causing an explosion and burning the left arm of Mr. Antonio Panay, who fortunately was immediately rescued by the doctors. Maggioli or Manuel Fonseca.
The facade of the Recreio Dramatico theater. Coutalianos gave performances in this theater, as mentioned in the above article.
Indicative map of Coutalianos movements during the period 1875-1883
Indicative map of Coutalianos movements during the period 1874
Also 1874-1875
Picture of Kostas Michos

Kostas Michos



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