“The biggest flaw is frivolity. Everything we realize is for good.”
Oscar Wilde
In the newspaper “Athletic Echo”, the journalist Timos Moraitis edited the publication of a lengthy text entitled “Coutaliano’s Autobiography”. The content of the text is very similar to that published in the newspaper “Marmarina News”. The chronological order in which the various events are listed is close, but in the “Athletic Echo”, it seems as if someone has added some elements that flatter the athlete and which are probably fiction and not facts. I am of the opinion that the text published in the newspaper “Marmarina News” approaches the facts in a more realistic way and therefore I consider it as a more reliable source. Nevertheless, the text published in “Athletic Echo” has a special interest, and this because in its introductory notes valuable information and testimonies of people who were lucky enough to see Coutalianos are listed. We studied the text carefully and comparing it with other sources, we tried to isolate the exaggerations, keeping for the writing of the athlete’s biography those elements that more realistically approach the true story.

The author of the article describes the way in which the biography of Coutalianos was published. Among other things, he mentions that the Greek expatriate scholar G. P. Kastritsis, who lived in New York, undertook the editing of the texts handed over to him by the sons of Coutalianos.

Work of the (naive) painter Evgenios Spatharis (1924-2009), depicting Coutalianos’ father killing a bear with his hands. This episode, which according to testimonies happened in Asia Minor, indicates that Panagis Coutalianos had inherited from his father the gift of strength.