An intresting interview
“Genius… is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one.”
Ezra Pound
In this chapter we quote a long interview granted to the “Patris” newspaper by Hellin Coutalianos, son of Panagis. This interview is a fairly reliable testimony, because Hellin obviously had many memories of his father. It is very interesting that most of the information he provides us through his interview is placed in time after 1885. In other words, Hellin does not give us descriptions of his father’s travels to the American continent before this date and that is normal, because he had not been born then. According to a very reliable source in the year 1913 (Oct.18, 1956 Nashua Telegraph), Hellin was 28 years old and his brother George was 30, so his descriptions do indeed coincide with his life experiences. Nevertheless, there are still those parts of the interview that seem to be inaccurate, but these are few and the text seems quite reliable.
The most important information that we collected from this text, are the various details regarding the tours made by Panagis Coutalianos in Russia, in Egypt as well as in various parts of Greece. Especially referring to the cities that Coutalianos visited in Russia, his son is a very detailed fact that helped a lot in our researches.