Coutalianos through the eyes of a great artist.
“Those of us who remained faithful to tradition, those of us who did not refuse the milk we drank from our mother’s breast, we fight against falsehood.”
F. Kontoglou
Fotis Kontoglou was a great Greek painter and writer. He belonged to the generation of the 30’s and was one of the greatest researchers of the Greek tradition. The work he left behind was enormous in volume and outstanding in quality. In one of his many writings entitled “Famous and forgotten men” (Publ. AETOS, 1942), he lists a number of heroic figures of the past and chronicles their exploits. More generally, in Kontoglou we find his tendency to dig up the past that is in danger of being forgotten. The story of Coutalianos could not have escaped Kontoglou’s attention. He did not fail to write two long articles which we quote below. The first accompanied by a portrait of the athlete, was published in the newspaper “Athletic Echo” by the journalist Timos Moraitis, while for the second we don’ t know its source.