Οld postcard depicting the harbor of the city of Volos.

1884. Arrival in Volos

Pervasive excitement and immense curiosity “Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.“ Margaret Hilda Thatcher

Kel Alico and Samdanci Ibrahim

A strange photo

1883. The great “comeback” to Istanbul From Marseille to Istanbul. After a long absence spent in America where he was

Οld postcard depicting the harbor of the city of Volos.

1884. Arrival in Volos

Pervasive excitement and immense curiosity “Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.“ Margaret Hilda Thatcher

Kel Alico and Samdanci Ibrahim

A strange photo

1883. The great “comeback” to Istanbul From Marseille to Istanbul. After a long absence spent in America where he was