Roof decoration is a painting by George Atsametakis which was uploaded on May 7th, 2013.

1904. The famous Coutalianos in Athens…again.

Heading towards the end of a brilliant career.

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

August Rodin

The athlete performs his last performance, shortly before he retires from the athletic field for good.

Janurary 1, 1904
Janurary 3, 1904. NEAPOLEOS THEATER: Coutalianos will give one more performance. We learn that he will offer 100 drachmas to anyone who manages to lift one of the weights he lifts himself.
January 4, 1904. Coutalianos’ performance, which will be presented together with his sons Ellin (or Hellin) and Georgios, at the NEAPOLEOS Theater.
Indicative map of Coutalianos movements during the period 1904-1905
Picture of Kostas Michos

Kostas Michos



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